Friday, May 6, 2016

Three Examples of Globalization in One Picture

Source: Adobe Stock File

There are three examples of globalization that can be seen in this file, though all have to do with extrapolation on how the computer in the photo is being used.

For this to be done, first the definition of globalization as we were first given it must be relayed.  That definition is, "the intermixing of different economies and cultures to form one".   

The first example is simple, and the definition above could define it as well as globalization: the internet.  It is incredibly likely that the user in this picture is using the internet in some form, be it Spotify, a background browser, or actual use of the net.  The definition for the globalization and the one for the internet match nearly perfectly.  The 'net even had its own currencies, now, purchased with real money--some of which will then go on to buy virtual items, some of which will buy real ones.

The second example requires some extrapolation from the first: the computer user is buying something online.  Very few items are purchased that are from Made In America companies.

The third, and the final example, requires extrapolation from the second: the computer user is buying something technology-related online.  An Apple computer is a wonderful example, one which you are using, in all probability, to read this post.  Apple is an American company--but the various things within the computer, the pieces of circuitry, come from a different (likely East Asian) company entirely.  The Apple item may arrive in the country entirely made, even--but the country it was made in was likely not the country the raw metals were mined in.  Three country hops involved to bring an Apple MacBook or iPad to you make this a perfect third example.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Globalization of the Beer Industry

There might not be anything better in this world than to crack open a cold one after a long days work.   Pretty much any bar that you walk into will have a large variety of beers to choose from.  Some being American made, and others imported from other countries such as Germany or Mexico. The beer industry has been apart of this world dating back to 1800 BC (Circa).  It is said that a “Hymn to Ninkasi,” the Sumerian goddess of beer, is inscribed on a tablet, about 4,000 years after men first leave evidence of brewing activity.  When the Prohibition occurred and formed the 18th amendment, outlawing the sale of alcohol, an increase of illegal production and sale of beer (known as “bootlegging”) occurred.  In 1933, Congress would write the 21st Amendment that repeals the 18th Amendment. To this day beer has been transformed because of globalization.  In 2015, the U.S. beer industry shipped (sold) 206.7 million barrels of beer – equivalent to more than 2.8 billion cases of 24- 12-ounce servings.  Studies show that 85 percent of all beer was domestically produced, and 14 percent was imported from more than 100 different countries around the world.   Beer has become so popular now that it seems every other commercial is advertising it.  Globalization has benefited the beer industry because it has provided bars and taverns with a larger selection of crafts for their customers.  It has also influenced competing companies to strive and develop new ways for making their beer the best in the market.  The first diagram displays the countries with the most breweries around the world, and the second diagram illustrates each countries favorite beer to consume.

Today, the car manufacturing industry takes up an a huge amount of the worlds exports in services, ranking only behind fuels, and chemicals.  With that being said, I felt that this picture can really show what an immense effect that globalization has in this business.  The parts for many of these cars are being manufactured in numerous different countries across the globe and then most likely even assembled in a different one.  With this large amount of GDP locked up in the automotive industry each year, all of these countries take part in the benefits.  Another interesting aspect to this picture is the reasoning why all of these parts are being made in different places.  Depending on a countries resources and skills, They are mostly only producing what parts they have a comparative advantage in.  In other words, they produce whichever parts they can produce better, and cheaper than the rest of the globe.  They then can just trade the profits of those towards something that they did not have a comparative advantage in, such as a bumper in this case.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

This image is of a Solar Panel system in Singapore payed for and in use by Apple. 100% of operations in Singapore by Apple are now powered by renewable energy. Across the globe Apple is becoming the first major company to move towards 100% renewable energy. Apple is a global company that has influence all over the world and is truly a representative of globalization. As a company Apple pushes other major companies and countries around the World to follow in suit showing that globalization can occur on many levels.