Tuesday, April 5, 2016

International Heroes

Image result for international superhero

Above is an image that shows the Avengers, an American comic/ movie franchise most of the world has come to know. It has become quite popular throughout the world, showing in many ways. One such way is in the global box office, many of these movies rake in more money in other countries than America or give it a huge jump. An example of this was in Russia, Deadpool, an R rated superhero movie that came out in February, passed up Star Wars as the highest grossing movie in Russia. It could have been that one of the characters shown was of Russian descent. Many of the beloved characters in these show different nationalities and appeal to the global market. During a mission trip, a friend of the family brought people in Guatemala shirts with superhero symbols, which they all recognized, showing how these popular brands of American made heroes has spread into being recognizable worldwide. In some cases there are original series based off these characters in other countries, Japan has made original series of these characters into their anime format. The global market for these heroes is huge, showing how globalization has allowed these characters to be recognizable all over the world.

Image is from the site:  http://www.teefury.com/international-superheroes
Also easily viewed/ where I found it : https://www.google.com/search?q=international+heroes&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiJjbWY78DMAhVJWz4KHRuQALYQ_AUIBygB&biw=1440&bih=727#tbm=isch&q=international+super+heroes&imgrc=x4sJhro3WOMt2M%3A

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